Hidden Door

Support Us

Help us to continue discovering wonderful forgotten places! We’re 100% non-profit and need your support to keep opening doors…

Ways to support us


Everyone who organises the festival is a volunteer – we all do it for the love of supporting the arts in Scotland. If you’re interested in being part of the Hidden Door Festival team, please drop us an email with a brief overview of what you do, your interests, why you’d like to volunteer, and your availability (there will be some late shifts and weekend working over the festival). We’re really excited to hear from anyone who’s interested so give us a shout!

For further information or any queries please send us an email at hiddendoorvolunteers@gmail.com


Our 2018 festival was a huge success, but as a non-profit arts organisation we still need donations to continue and plan for future festivals.

[paypal-donation purpose=”Hidden Door Donations”]

Thank you for supporting Hidden Door.