Hidden Door

Oana Stanciu

Visual Art

Much of Oana’s  work is based around improvisation, photography and moving image. This has often involved playing with everyday objects to embody different characters and create unusual scenes and images. For Hidden Door 2019, Oana will experiment with using more carefully designed objects and building complex sculptures to use as features in her work. This April Oana will start a residency at the Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop supported by the Royal Scottish Academy. Hidden Door offers Oana an opportunity to showcase some of the work that she will be making there. Her project will be a work in progress -” a taste of what might be the next step in my work.”


Oana has contributed to notable exhibitions such as ‘Sometimes I Disappear’ at Ingleby Gallery and the Royal Scottish Academy. She has recently been awarded a RSA Residencies for Scotland 2019 opportunity.


For Hidden Door 2018 Stanciu challenged herself to be more performative. She developed new work live in the exhibition space in response to a selection of objects, presenting a changing display of images and videos. Using objects as mundane as loaves of bread and brooms she created surreal images retaining focus on her body whilst appearing to distort time.


Oana contributed to Hidden Door 2017 through exploring themes of repetition and ritual, focusing on video installation, finding new ways for viewers to experience her work, playing with sound and how imagery is presented – hiding and seeking, emerging and retreating.


Oana also creating new bodies of work for Hidden Door in 2015 and 2016.