Hidden Door
The Soapworks Residencies

The Soapworks Residencies – Hidden Door Live S03, E04

The Soapworks is a 100-year-old factory in Leith. Originally a soap and wool factory, and used for storage in the 60s and 70s, it is now looked after by our friends at The Biscuit Factory who generously allowed us to use it for a set of “mini-residencies”.

We gave the space over to a succession of performances artists, a dancer and a composer – each spending 2 days in the space by themselves

They used the space, the isolation, and whatever they could find there as inspiration to create new work. We followed each of them as they went through the process of creating, catching glimpses behind the scenes of how they make something from nothing.

For our live show on Thursday 1st April we caught up with each of the artists and revealed their work.

Participating artists: Andrew Gannon, Edith Hicks, Owen McAllister (Salad Culture), James McKenzie, Sky Su and Oana Stanciu.